Monday, December 17, 2012

Alpha Day 1

      So for today, I think my entry will be picture-based, and we'll see how far that story takes me.  I apologize for my broken English because when I come down here, I get stuck somewhere between proper English and  the Jamaican Patois, which is their own dialect.

This is the pic I took yesterday of some of the boys I hung out with.  Some are from previous years, and some are new.  Those of you who know them notice how much some of the likkle ones have grown.  My shadow is the one on the right.

So we (Edney, Sr. Susan and me) left for Kingston at 5am this morning.  Once I got there, I wanted to look around a bit because I had't been there for a while, since 2006, and I really have never seen all of it, just parts.  When I was here in 06, I was installing a sound system in their hospitality room, so that's where i was stuck most of the time.  Anyways, it wasn't long before the boys who know me came and found me.

Joel (above) was the first one.  He and some of his friends have been part of a programme the past 4 days to learn photography.  the JN Foundation came and worked with 15 boys and let them each use digital cameras to take photos.  Saturday, they went to a few places around Kingston to take pics of things.  That's why Joel is all dressed up. He's one of the last remaining boys who has been around since my first trip in 2004 who is still at a boys home.  Most all of the other ones have left or aged out and are on their own.

This is Nigel, he's Joel's brother, and I have also seen him every year since 2004. 

Here's Brad and Joel.  Brad has gotten much taller than last time I saw him.  He's 13 now.  Joel is 16 now.  

Here's some of the boys on the rock at Alpha.  I guess I didn't realize it was the rock right away, so I start to hang out with them.  It is kind of in the middle of the play areas, so it was hard to tell. Oh well, now I know.

Brad, me and another boy.  We chatted for a while sitting on the wall.  Bryan Reid took the picture.  

This boy and I spent some time together today.  We are at the Christmas Party that the JN Foundation threw for the whole school.  There is a dance competition going on that we are watching.  His name is Clayton Mills.  He's only been at Alpha for a month because of a bad situation at home.  He tell me he doesnt cause trouble and he tries to only associate himself with people who are good too.  Hopefully I will get to spend more time with him tomorrow.  He says he's really good at art (drawing).  He kept introducing me to other people.  It's different being at Alpha this year (if only for a few days)...none of the boys know me so I have to actively go meet them.  Since I have been going to Bosco for so long, lots of the boys know me, so it's not hard at all to meet even the new boys because the ones who know me are comfortable coming to me.  Alpha boys aren't as used to visitors, so they are a little less social with the visitors.  

I had to put a picture of Bryan Reid (middle) here.  I have also known him since 2004.  That's part of the reason I wanted to come visit Alpha this year, to see the boys I have known since 2004.  There's Clayton on the right, and the boys on the rock in the background.  (The rock is like a time-out for misbahaviour but lasts way longer).  

Well, I think that's it for now.  I have another full day at Alpha tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.  Feel free to comment if you choose, if not, fine too. Mi a go bed.

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