Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Grand Market, Christmas Eve

I went to a performance on Sunday at Albion Gully that was a fundraiser for one of the youth groups there.  One of the Passionist Volunteers (Tania) was the youth coordinator for it.  I was told it was going to be a concert, but it ended up being a rally, and I guess in Jamaica that means that it takes forever.  4 1/2 hours later, it was done. 
Fr. Lucian (the coordinator for the Passionist Volunteer program) played Santa.  It was hilarious because as he was dancing around up on the stage, the pillow on his suit came out slowly and only got worse the more he ran around.  By the end, everyone was laughing hysterically.  I guess that's the price that's paid for a good time in Jamaica.

Yesterday was Grand Market.  In Jamaica, everyone waits until the very last minute to do their Christmas shopping, and that's what they call Grand Market.  Its a Jamaican tradition.  Some of the boys get the opportunity to go into town if they have enough "passes" (good behaviour) to go. Sr. Mimi drove a group of us into town.  Usually the boys hang around me because they know I have money and they want me to buy them things.  I should preface this with the fact that each boy who earned the right to go to Grand Market (about 15) got $1000JA...a little over $10US.  I was surprised when right away most of the boys left to go on their own.  The only boy who hung around me was Junior Whynter.
This is his picture.  I had never met him before this, but that is how I have become close with some of the other boys in the past.  I am proud of him.  Out of the 15 weeks he has had the opportunity to pass, he passed every single of them.  I rarely see a boy do that.  We walked around town and did some shopping.  We ended up walking to the Mandeville Shopping Centre, which was at the bottom of town (we started at the top) so it was kind of a walk, but he wanted to go see Sr. Mimi and the likkle boys she took to Fontana Pharmacy to see Santa there.
Here are some of the boys we met there.  Santa wasn't there yet, but he showed up soon after we left and gave each of them a little gift.  This wasn't the Santa that they were going to see later in the evening at Bosco, but Santa nonetheless.  
While we were at Fontana, I thought we would stop by Devon House to get some ice cream.  While eating the ice cream, we walked back up to the crowded area, finished our shopping/looking and caught a taxi back to Bosco.  It was a special time with my new friend.  I always look forward to Grand Market because i'm always lucky enough to spend time with a boy or two and get to know them outside of Bosco.

After we returned from Grand Market, a group of us got ready to go to Midnight Mass (at 5:00pm).  They decided to have it at 5 this year, like last year, because no one shows up at midnight.  There wasn't much difference at 5 though.  Most everyone was doing their shopping at Grand Market.  We took about 20 boys with us to Mass.  Sr. Mimi and I sit with the boys during Mass.  In the past, at Midnight, we would make sure they would all stay awake. We didnt have to worry about that this year.

After Mass, it was time for Santa at Bosco.  I helped Pat Kelly get in his costume and I got into my elf costume.  The Passionist Volunteers came over and one of them (Tania) dressed as Mrs. Claus. 
As we all were getting ready, Sr. Susan went to the rec. room, where the boys were eagerly waiting, to talk to them about the true meaning of Christmas.  Then, a jingle bell started ringing, and Santa made his appearance.After a big round of applause, Santa sat on his bench, and the boys who hadn't seen Santa at Bosco before all lined up and waited to sit on his lap.
Then, we passed out their bags that Sr. Mimi and I packed a couple of days ago.  After all of the bags were handed out, they were allowed to open them.  Let the chaos ensue.  They loved their gifts.  Quite honestly, the stuff they got, for the kids their age, any American kid would throw away if they got it for Christmas.  The boys here embrace the little they get and most of all, are so thankful for what they got.  A boy who wasn't allowed to go to Grand Market asked me to get him a toy car.  I had one in my suitcase (one that was also a Transformer), so I gave it to him.  To see the smile on his face makes it all worth it.  
He is on the left...Clayton Reid.  There was another boy who has been here a month.  He has had one of the worst attitudes about being here at Bosco, never liking even one second of his time here.  I have told him to make the best of it.  Well anyway, after he got his package, he came to me and thanked me for everything.  He really seemed to be enjoying himself.  He said the only thing he missed was his father.  It never ceases to amaze me how thankful these boys are for the little they get.  It just goes to show that Christmas isn't about the presents...it's about who you share the time with.  I decided after my first Christmas here in 2006 that I wanted to spend Christmas here for as often as I can, because I know that one day I won't be able to for one reason or another.  
This is Sr. Mimi with Rushane Hall (my shadow).
Here is Santa with some of the boys including Junior Whynter, who I went to Grand Market with...did I mention that he is such a good kid?  In the red is Rohan Jackson.  He's here with me now as I am writing this, and wanted to make sure I mentioned him.

Well, as things were settling down, the boys cleaned up their mess (the trash) and packed up their things, and the rest of us (elves) went to the convent to have our Christmas Eve dinner.  After 7 years of Christmas here, it is easy to take the good work that I am doing for granted, and I admit that sometimes I do, but I am reminded both on Christmas and Christmas Eve the real reason I come down here, and it makes it all worth it.
Well, I think I will finish this post here.  I will write about my Christmas and the meal we had with the boys at some other time.  I hope this is giving everyone at least a glimpse about how I am spending my time here.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Birthday party, Pat's arrival, and packing presents

We had the birthday party on Wednesday.  Ever since I  came down here with Wright State, we have done the birthday party.  It is usually for the boys who have birthdays in November, December, and sometimes January.  I haven't really gone to the boys' birthday party since I was last here with WSU in 2006 except one summer that I was here for a week in 2009.  The funny thing is that every one is exactly the same, but the boys love it every time.  
The boys spend about an hour playing with toys that are held to be played only during birthday parties.
There are checkers, legos, toy cars, and other "sunday nursery" type toys.

Here are a couple of boys with the toys they are playing with.

Tom (one of the Passionist Volunteer International volunteers [PVIs]) joined us at the party.

Once the boys are finshed with the toys, Mimi gets them together for cake.  We sing Happy Birthday and they all fan out the candles with their hands because if they blow on them, they will spit on the cake.

After cake and ice cream (which is a really messy ordeal for me because I dish it out), the boys play musical chairs.  Mimi really enjoys it, even if she looks like she is yelling at the boys to behave.  After the musical chairs, they have a dance-off.  Then we passed out their presents, which is usually a hat and toy airplane or something like that, with some smaller trinkets.

After the party, I spent the rest of the day on the playfield with the boys.  I'm finding that either I'm out of shape, or 27 years old is too old to keep up with these boys.  I get worn out too soon.  After the boys ate supper and showered, Edney and I went out to eat in Mandeville and got Chinese food.

I didn't do a whole lot yesterday, honestly.  I kind of chose to take the day off...i got a few naps in between meals.  Pat Kelly came in the evening.  He comes each year to play Santa for the boys.  We had a cookout at the convent and Newton (he runs the catering department here) cooked hamburgers for us all.  I then went up school and let the boys who passed for the week (good behaviour) watch a couple of movies (Despicable Me and the Incredibles).  The consensus was that they liked The Incredibles more, although the found parts of Despicable Me funny.  

Today we packed presents for the boys.  All of the stuff Pat and I brought down, along with other things Mimi has gotten through the year, we put together into packages for the boys for Christmas. It was my time to actually be one of Santa's elves
As the picture shows, they don't really get much, and the biggest thing they might get is a McDonald's happy meal toy.  Don't get me wrong, it's a Happy Meal toy after all, what kid wouldn't want a Happy Meal toy for Christmas?  Besides the juice, which they drink right away, they spend all of Christmas playing with the sack of things they got, and have the most fun ever.  Yeah, it doesn't last long, but they have fun nonetheless.  More of that to come after Christmas, I don't want to spoil the story.
What is selected to go into the bags is based on the boys' behaviour.  Sr. Mimi has her naughty/nice list, and the boys who have had good behaviour get more and better things.  The lesser behaved kids get very little.  Such is life though.  They are given 15 weeks and 2 chances each week to keep good behaviour, so it's not like they weren't told.  Those with 3 or fewer passes don't even get to receive presents.

I went on the playfield for the rest of the day and sat and chatted with a few of the boys.  Once they went in for supper, I went to the convent and had dinner.  It was supposed to be a 40th birthday party for Newton, but he got busy with some catering business, so we may actually have to celebrate another time.  His birthday is on Christmas, but he doesn't like to celebrate it then for obvious reasons.  

Well, that's what's been going on the past few days.  O, before I finish, I received news the other day that a past boy, Carlos Baker (Popeye), was shot dead in Montego Bay.  He was trained in the catering department and was working in MoBay.  He has been gone from here for about 4 or 5 years.  Please keep him and his friends and family in your prayers.  I don't really know any other official details besides that.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Alpha Day 2 and back to Bosco

Sorry for the delay in my postings.  I wasn't feeling well the past couple of evenings, but I'm okay now.  I spent the morning at Alpha on Tuesday and mainly hung out with the boys on the playfield before I was going to leave.  I played Monopoly with them for a bit.

As a follow up from the camera workshop I talked about yesterday, Brad Clarke was determined to be the best student of the 15 that participated in the class.  Because of that, they gave him his very own camera.  It's a nice camera so it seems.
Shortly after this picture, some of the boys went on yet another treat. It seems that at Alpha, the boys are constantly going on treats.  There is more opportunity for treats at Alpha because it is in Kingston and more companies and people are willing to donate things or services around the holiday season.  Susan has actually had to decline requests for treats for the boys at Alpha because there have been so many.

So this is Ramone Bullock.  I was on the playfield at Alpha and the boys came to get me saying that Ramone was at the gate waiting for me.  It just so happened he was walking by and was talking to a boy through the gate and they told him that I was there.  This picture makes me laugh just because of the composition of it, he's wearing a striped shirt and he is behind the bars of the gate...ironic?

This is just a pic of the basketball court at Alpha.   There is a HUGE football (soccer) field right next to it as well.

Well, early in the afternoon, we left Alpha. I said my goodbyes.  I might go back on one of my last days, but it depends on the timing and what else is going on.  We brought back one of the Brothers with us to Mandeville because he is sick and there is better access to a doctor with Sr. Susan's doctor.  After we brought him back, he went straight to the doctor and got blood tests.  Turns out, he has dengue, which is a tropical disease spread by mosquitos...closest equivalent in the US: West Nile.  He is staying with me at my house through the holidays, so I got an unexpected house guest.  Don't wory, it's not contagious.
Yesterday (Wednesday) was Christmas decorating day.  I started about 10 in the morning and recruited the help of 6 boys.  Decorating for Christmas is something the boys and I look forward to each year, but it's something I can't have a lot of the boys help me do...6 is plenty.  My mom sent some decorations down with me (at my request) and we used those to supplement the decorations that were already there but are getting really worn out.  

It took most of the day to get the tree up and the decorations spread through the room.  I didn't manage to get a pic of the rest of the rec. room, but maybe if i remember to, I will.  We also put up a tree in the cafeteria and did a little bit of decorating there too.

I got to see the new addition to the catering hall yesterday too.  It is HUGE!  The new hall is probably 3 times bigger than the current hall and there is a nice big entryway and new bathrooms and store room.  It looks really really nice too.  I didn't get pictures of that either however, but one day I will.  They want me to look into what it will take to put speakers in the new hall, but the challenge is being able to run wiring because all of the other wiring was done before the place was concreted in and sheet rock was put up.  I will probably design the sound system and get the speakers for Susan, but because I only come once a year and she wants it in before this time next year, she will probably get someone else to install it.  That's a project I have to work on once I get back home.  I will talk to an electrician before I leave here and see what he suggests as far as how easy the wiring will be.

Yesterday about 12 boys came from another home in Spur Tree that is closing down.  The people running it (to my understanding) just kind of up and left it.  They have been working to transfer the children from there to other homes.  There were both boys and girls there.  3 of the boys are four years old, 2 of those are twins.  I haven't spent much time with them, and all 12 of them seem to hang around each other.  I think they are getting better at mingling with the others from what I was seeing on the playfield this morning. Here are 2 of the young ones:

That was pretty much it for yesterday...most of the day being taken up by decorating for Christmas.  Today's  big thing is the Birthday Party.  The boys who have had birthdays in November and December (and maybe January?) will all get special time together and treats.  You Wright State students all know what the birthday party is all about.  Usually they have the birthday party earlier in December, but the Wright State group didnt come down this year (they will be coming in April) so they saved the birthday party for when I came down.  I haven't spent a birthday party with the boys since I came during the summer of 2009.  It should be fun.  Well, time to eat lunch, then PARTY!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Alpha Day 1

      So for today, I think my entry will be picture-based, and we'll see how far that story takes me.  I apologize for my broken English because when I come down here, I get stuck somewhere between proper English and  the Jamaican Patois, which is their own dialect.

This is the pic I took yesterday of some of the boys I hung out with.  Some are from previous years, and some are new.  Those of you who know them notice how much some of the likkle ones have grown.  My shadow is the one on the right.

So we (Edney, Sr. Susan and me) left for Kingston at 5am this morning.  Once I got there, I wanted to look around a bit because I had't been there for a while, since 2006, and I really have never seen all of it, just parts.  When I was here in 06, I was installing a sound system in their hospitality room, so that's where i was stuck most of the time.  Anyways, it wasn't long before the boys who know me came and found me.

Joel (above) was the first one.  He and some of his friends have been part of a programme the past 4 days to learn photography.  the JN Foundation came and worked with 15 boys and let them each use digital cameras to take photos.  Saturday, they went to a few places around Kingston to take pics of things.  That's why Joel is all dressed up. He's one of the last remaining boys who has been around since my first trip in 2004 who is still at a boys home.  Most all of the other ones have left or aged out and are on their own.

This is Nigel, he's Joel's brother, and I have also seen him every year since 2004. 

Here's Brad and Joel.  Brad has gotten much taller than last time I saw him.  He's 13 now.  Joel is 16 now.  

Here's some of the boys on the rock at Alpha.  I guess I didn't realize it was the rock right away, so I start to hang out with them.  It is kind of in the middle of the play areas, so it was hard to tell. Oh well, now I know.

Brad, me and another boy.  We chatted for a while sitting on the wall.  Bryan Reid took the picture.  

This boy and I spent some time together today.  We are at the Christmas Party that the JN Foundation threw for the whole school.  There is a dance competition going on that we are watching.  His name is Clayton Mills.  He's only been at Alpha for a month because of a bad situation at home.  He tell me he doesnt cause trouble and he tries to only associate himself with people who are good too.  Hopefully I will get to spend more time with him tomorrow.  He says he's really good at art (drawing).  He kept introducing me to other people.  It's different being at Alpha this year (if only for a few days)...none of the boys know me so I have to actively go meet them.  Since I have been going to Bosco for so long, lots of the boys know me, so it's not hard at all to meet even the new boys because the ones who know me are comfortable coming to me.  Alpha boys aren't as used to visitors, so they are a little less social with the visitors.  

I had to put a picture of Bryan Reid (middle) here.  I have also known him since 2004.  That's part of the reason I wanted to come visit Alpha this year, to see the boys I have known since 2004.  There's Clayton on the right, and the boys on the rock in the background.  (The rock is like a time-out for misbahaviour but lasts way longer).  

Well, I think that's it for now.  I have another full day at Alpha tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.  Feel free to comment if you choose, if not, fine too. Mi a go bed.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

      So I think I'm going to give this a try this year and maybe write a blog entry every few days.  I arrived at Bosco late in the afternoon yesterday.  It was a pretty smooth flight given all of the luggage I was bringing with me.  I had 2 rolling bags (checked), a big duffel bag, and a backpack.  I was packed to the gills.  Only one of my bags got opened and looked at, but as far as I know, everything is still there.  Mimi and about 10 boys came to pick me up at the airport. Doogie was there as well, and as always, he was so excited to see me.  The drive from the airport was only about an hour and a half, which was the shortest yet because apparently there is a new stretch of the toll road that extends further to Mandeville.  The boys who were in the van were all well behaved, and honestly if I didn't look back, I wouldn't have known they were there
      Once we arrived at Bosco, I unloaded my things (at Carolyn's house) and then went to the playfield to see what boys are here and what boys aren't.  Turns out, most of the boys I had been close to in the past are no longer here, for a few reasons...either they got transferred to Alpha or they went home over the summer and didn't return.  I get to make some new "favourites" down here this year.  I usually let the boys who want to spend time with me come to me rather than me go looking for them.  There are a lot of new boys this year....seems to be about half and half.  There also aren't as many boys total this year...usually there are 150-160 boys, but there must only be 120-130 boys this year.  After spending a likkle time on the playfield, I went to have dinner at the convent with the sisters.  I went to bed early because I was wiped out from my long travel day.

      This morning I woke up and went to church with Mimi and some of the boys.  It was good to see some people from St. Paul's that I hadn't seen since last year.  By now, after 7 years of coming here, others besides the Bosco Boys have gotten to know me.  I spent most of the day after Mass on the playfield with the boys just chatting with them and playing games.  The younger ones seem to come to me most often.  Rushane Hall is my shadow.  He saw me and instantly hid behind another boy, but eventually he lightened up and now follows me everywhere, but never says a word.  These boys remember EVERYTHING.  Every little thing we talked about or every little thing I did, mostly things I forgot about they quickly reminded me of.  I can twist my arm 420 degrees....I did that a couple of times last year for them, and now that's all they have asked me to do.  I only show them a couple of times. 
      This evening I went to have dinner at St. Paul's to meet this year's PVI group.  For those who don't know, they are the Passionist Volunteers International.  There are 5 of them who are spending a year in Jamaica doing various outreach projects on the island.  This is the 3rd year I have been coming here that there have been a group of PVI's here.  It's been nice to have people closer to my age here to spend some time with and also share time for Christmas with the boys.
     Tomorrow, I will be going to Kingston to Alpha Boys School to spend the day and see the boys over there, some of whom as I mentioned before used to be here at Bosco.  I will be spending the night and returning on Tuesday in the evening sometime.  It's my plan to decorate for Christmas on Wednesday.  It might not be until then that I update this again.  Hopefully by then, I will have pics to post too.  I betta be getting to bed because it's going to be an early morning to leave to go to Kingston (5am).